In order to save money your principal is thinking about cancelling all field trips for the remainder of the school year. Wirte an essay persuading your him or her to allow students to continue attending field trips. Use specific reasons and examples to support your response.
Dear Principal Brown,
I feel that our school should have the right to go on field trips at the end of the year. Since we have the dress code and no activities at school we should have some sort of positive outlook on this. Sure we come to school to learn to learn, but it doesn’t mean that we should be treated like prisoners. To the people that say I am over reacting you have to simply ponder on this for a while. Prisoners are told what to do, wear, speak, and act and so are we. The sad part is even prisoners get to express themselves in some way, so why not have our field trips for the rest of the year?
The other students and I haven’t done anything wrong so why are we being treated like this. We constantly sell and buy loads of things at school, but what is the point if we can’t do anything with all of that money. You’re not the only one to blame because our school has little to no funding. We still can use our resources to raise our own money without excess tax. It would be best because they’re wouldn’t be people taking advantage of us and abusing our funds. It’s as they say (if you raise your own money for something you want no one else can tell you what to spend it on). It seems to be a problem that can easily be solved.
For the people who say that school is just a place to learn do you really believe that or are you just putting up a front. If you truly believed that then you wouldn’t have friends, or a social life. You wouldn’t ask questions and try to go out and eat. Lastly, you wouldn’t care about your school, what you wear, nor do your homework and try to get your community service hours. Unfortunately, you still all or most of things, but you claim you are only go there to learn. You can think about at a different time because we have to do something about these field trips.
Believe it or not most field trips aren’t as expensive as people make them out to be. Some field trips can be free, so the busses won’t be a problem. I’m not just complaining or trying to instigate, but I’m making a valid point as well. You also have to think about the students’ opinion in this sort of matter. People have worked hard semester after semester and we deserve a break once in a blue moon. We are also old enough to have a field trip that is educational, but not give us such limited time and spaces to go to.
We are old enough to know what’s what so you don’t have to sugar code things for us. It would be better for everyone if you tell it to us straight because that is a part of the real world like we are repeatedly told to prepare for. If we work hard I’m sure we can have field trips without going over budget or being bleed dry.
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